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Thursday, December 30, 2010

In 2010 I made a short list of goals that I wanted to achieve during the year. I've come to realize that I am terrible at completing goals. Even my own. I end up focusing on one, the one that is most plausible and forget about the rest.
A few examples:
"Read. A lot!"
I read a total of ten books this year. Eight of those were rereads. I tried to read three books that I gave up on halfway through due to complete boredom.
"Make more videos than I did in 2009"
I made four. That's pathetic. I get a green screen for Christmas and I make only four videos?!
You get the point. I did work really hard one of those goals though.
"Continue to lose weight."
I lost 33 pounds this year. (44 pounds total since I started losing weight in December 2009.) I call that an incredible achievement! My original goal was 170 pounds. I'm less than that now. (My new goal is 155. I think that's where I'll feel happiest.)
So this year, I am not setting goals. This year I am simply going to name the things I hope happen this year. Things that I am looking forward to, things that I would love to happen, but won't beat myself up if I don't accomplish.
Things that I'm excited for:
Reaching my goal weight!
(This is my only goal. I WILL do it. Less than 15 pounds to go!)
Reading new books and old favorites!
Working hard!
Possibly moving to Las Vegas!
New and old relationships!
Family events!
Blog changes!
A brand new year!
It's going to be wonderful! I am determined to make it so!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2010 in Review

2010 was filled with so many experiences. Both good and bad.
The Bad:
The Bad:
- My favorite teacher was arrested.
- My cousin Annie passed away after a long struggle with cancer.
- Multiple heart breaks.
- Losing my grandmother. She was such a big part of my life and I miss her terrible.
- Losing my job. It was only ten hours a week, but I really enjoyed working there.
The Good:
- Trip to Provo to visit with my cousins Hannah and Eve.
- Driving four hours to see Nashelle play Maria in West Side Story. She was spectacular.
- Road trip to Provo with Nashelle. Manicures, good food, and a hilarious show. It deserves it's own mention.
- Seeing Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. SO funny!
- Heading to Vegas to move Alyson into her house and paint it.
- Kissing a few guys.
- Losing 45 pounds!
- Driving a shiny black Jaguar.
- Spending 6 weeks in Las Vegas with Aly.
- Seeing the Lion King at Mandalay Bay Casino. It was spectacular!
- Gambling for the first time and realizing how pointless I find it.
- Going camping with my sister, aunt and two cousins. Girls are the best!
- Walking the strip with two of my sisters and friends.
- Going to see KA! Cirque du Soleil at MGM Casino. It was mind blowing!
- Meeting Kevin.
- Getting the job at Prime Time 4 Kids. It was such a great job!
- Making my tutu and wearing it around on Halloween.
- Going ice skating. It's been such a long time since I have.
- Singing at Holly Days.
- Editing all of our home videos and putting them on DVD for my parent's and sister's Christmas present.
- Seeing the lights on Temple Square.
- Playing games with family during the holidays.
(Pictures in no particular order)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Living in Utah, we don't get much chance to make snowmen.
But Katie, it snows all the time in Utah!
Yes. But it's never snowmen snow.
There is a such thing as snowmen snow?
Yes. Snowmen snow is wet.
All snow is wet, Katie...
Yes. But Utah snow is too dry to make a snowman. You can't even make a decent snowball. It won't pack. It's perfect for skiing though.
Okay Katie. Okay.
Anyway, the point is, when the snow is heavy and wet enough to make a snowman, I try my hardest to get out there to make one.
Sad thing is, it's usually really late at night when the snow is packable and I miss out because by morning, it has dried out.
I'm going to tell you all something. I don't make your typical snowman. The three balls of varying sizes, the broom, the scarf, the corn cob pipe. When I do make a three tiered snowman, it's of the Calvin and Hobbes variety.
But lately, I've gotten into sculpting my snowmen, rather than stacking them. Most of my attempts fail though.
This was my first snow sculpture. I called it: "A Little Bit of Snowmance."
Tonight, I decided that I would try to make another snowman. I was planning on recreating my adorable snow couple (Josh and Olivia) but inspiration took hold as soon as I started to pack the snow.
Snow Santa and Simply Kate wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Presents

Christmas is stressing me out. At least once a day, a family member asks me what another family member might like for Christmas.
Mom: "What about Alyson? Do you know what Alyson might like?"
Me: "Mom... I don't have Alyson for Christmas this year. I didn't ask her."
Mom: "Yes, but she's your sister. You must know something!"
Me: "Yes, but you're her MOTHER. Figure it out."
Mom: "You're no help."
This will go on for the next week and a half. (Whoa... that's not much time...)
Then later:
Me: "Speaking of Aly, do you know what she's getting me for Christmas?"
Mom: "Yes."
Me: "Will I love it?"
Mom: "Yes."
Me: "Give me a hint?"
Mom: "No."
Alyson called me once Christmas 2009 was over.
Aly: "I have the best Christmas present for you!"
Me: "But it's JANUARY!"
I must confess. I am not a patient person. I am the girl who sneaks up on Christmas Eve to see the stash left by Santa. I am the girl who peaks in drawers and in the closet. I am the girl who carefully peels back the tape on a present to find out what it is three days early. So waiting an entire year to find out what I'm getting for Christmas has been torture.
But I am determined to be a good girl this year. I will do my best (though I'll probably torment quite a few people about hints) and not ruin the surprise.
It helps that I know what my parents have gotten me. My sister and I went shopping on Black Friday and I bought the present from my parents: Seasons 2 and 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Season 2 of Chuck.
I was excited knowing that that was all I was getting.
Yesterday my parents kidnapped me. They made me get dressed, threw me (or had me peacefully get) in the car and started driving. They bought me a brand new phone. I've had the same ghetto phone since I was 18. I'm very used to it, but it's ugly and boring.
My new phone has a touch screen and I spent hours yesterday figuring out all of the features. It's so pretty. I'm gushing. *Sigh*
There is a downside to this however. Yesterday I told myself that I would finish a LARGE part of my parent's and sister's present. But the phone distracted me and now I have to do it today. Not such a big deal. I'm just ready for it to be finished. I've been working on it since October. It's taking a while.
In other news, the weekend was filled with too much good food and I now have 6 pounds to lose in 11 days. Do you think I can do it?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Determined Good Day

Yesterday was a day where I felt really bad about myself, stupid decisions I make, and life in general. I did my best to be upbeat about it all and I feel like for once, I actually did okay.
It helped that I had good people and projects to help me through.
I walked four miles with my dad and we talked about everything to the Christmas present he was getting from me. (He figured out what it was. Bummer that it's not a surprise, but he's still thrilled.)
I had a two hour phone conversation with my sister. We talked about life and boys and laughed a lot.
I finished (or did all I can do at this point) two of the three for all of the Christmas presents I'm giving this year.
And I managed to mostly right my sleep schedule by sleeping nearly through the night.
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed.
And for the first time in a very long time, I felt determined!
Determined to have a good day today. I refuse to sulk even though it's so much easier to do so.
Determined to get a lot done. Clean my room spotless. Walk with my dad. Break out Jillian Michaels and exercise my over-sized booty off.
Determined to just feel good about myself. And to be honest, I think it will be easy. I'm looking and feeling great. I gained about 8 pounds in November with all of my sadness and the holidays. On December 2nd, I decided that I would be 165 pounds by Christmas. I kind of laughed at myself and told myself how impossible it was to lose 13 pounds in less than a month. In the past eight days, I've lost six pounds. I'm feeling great, looking great, and feel determined to keep losing that weight. Only seven pounds to go, and fifteen days to do it in!
I feel happy and refuse to let anything get to me today. Today is going to be amazing. I'm determined to make it so!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Frost Bite

The air for the past few days has been foggy and fabulous. I love the fog. I know most people find it creepy, but I find it cozy and comforting on a cold day. It leaves a lovely frost all over the branches, so I took the opportunity to take a few pictures yesterday morning.
(To all of those who would like the bird picture or any picture I take for that matter, I don't use or have copyrights on any of them. You are welcome to use any of my images if you wish. All I ask is that you credit me for it. Much love!)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas lights:
I think you're pretty. And silly. Pretty silly. Is there some unspoken cult you all join when you are in storage?
I think you're pretty. And silly. Pretty silly. Is there some unspoken cult you all join when you are in storage?
"Hey guys. We're not being used. Katie thinks that she can just put us in a box and we'll wait for her?"
"Are we going to stand for this?!"
"Let's commit mass suicide! That'll show her!"
It's really depressing seeing the fatalities piling up. It's a Christmas light grave yard; a nightmare before Christmas! (HA! So cheesy, but I couldn't help it!)
I always feel really bad for the poor strands that chicken out halfway through. You plug them in and only half of the lights still work. They wimped out and now they are paralyzed from the middle down. I just hope that all of the successful ones went first so that they didn't lose face.
And hey thanks to the four who stood up to peer pressure and said no to suicide. You guys are my heroes. I am glad you decided to stick around to grace me with your beauty.
P.S. Don't worry. I'm not prejudiced. I still used the paralyzed strands on my tree. Mine is an equal opportunity Christmas tree.
Sleep Schedule,
Why are you so whacky? I want to be a normal person. I want to wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. I don't want to wake up at 10pm and go to sleep three hours past noon. That's so silly. We should figure this out and fast.
Dear body,
I do not know if you are aware of this, but you are going to be ten pounds smaller by Christmas. I am beginning to wonder if you got the memo because you're not cooperating with this goal. I mean, I appreciate the small drops you've been giving me, but I need some drastic, lypo-esque results. Let's get on this.
I love how great you are and how much everyone who is lucky enough to get one of you will love you. It's almost guaranteed that people are going to pull the "this is the best present ever" face. So for that I thank you. However, you are taking an age and a half to complete. Christmas is only 17 days away and there is still so much left to do. If you could be just a teensy tiny bit cooperative for the next little while, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts on my last post. They all meant a lot to me. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful girls reading my blog. Thank you!
Much love!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hide and Seek

I'll be honest with all of you. I'm a very insecure girl. And I have an obsessive need to be liked by everyone. I've convinced myself that no one cares about my bad days. Who wants to hear about how someone else is struggling?
This is something that I came to realize about myself today. I hide. I draw into myself when I'm having a hard time because I'm terrified of scaring someone away when I need them most.
November was a really hard month for me. Really hard.
When my novel decided it was crap; when I realized that my grandmother had been gone for one month and wouldn't be the center of Thanksgiving traditions; when my faith was shaking and not making any sense; I hid away. I've never felt more alone. The sadness was so intense that it was hurting me physically.
And I don't just hide away from the real world. I was so relieved that I had already written all of my blog posts for the month of November. That way I didn't need to worry about faking a few happy words while I was so lost inside.
I'm back to feeling happy. And yet I'm still hiding away. I think I might be scared that the happiness will vanish as quickly as it came; worried that my little flame of happiness will get snuffed out by life again.
But I've had enough of this. I'm tired of hiding. It's time that I start seeking and try to find myself again.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas Lights

For the past three days, lights have been my entire focus. My hands are covered in scratches from branches, and my body is aching from stretching to reach the highest and lowest places on a tree.
But I can officially say that the house and Christmas tree are now completely lit up. It looks like Independence Day in December in my front yard.
Here are some pictures of the magic that took me and my dad three days, countless trips to the store, and many times up a ladder to complete.
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