Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some Kissin' in the Future!

Remember when I posted this photo?

Two and a half months ago?!
Well, I haven't seen this wonderful man since then.

But I will be seeing him tonight! 

It's been too long! Can't wait!

I love you so much, Kevin!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

We have a winner!

We had a great turn out for my giveaway of the My Memories Suite software.

And we have a winner!

Congratulations to Emma!

I've sent you an email telling you that you've won!

And for all of you who didn't win, you can still use the Simply Kate promo code and get $10 OFF this awesome software!

Plus, it is good for $10 OFF anything in the My Memories Store!


So awesome, right?

Everyone's a winner!

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway everyone!
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Leisl & Po

LeiI just watched one of the best book trailers ever!

It's for Lauren Oliver's (Author of Delirium) new book, Leisl & Po. It looks incredible!

And even cooler is that she's giving away some Advanced Reader Copies on her blog!

You can go and enter the contest here! I know I did!
Friday, September 23, 2011

A few book reviews

Prized by Caragh M. O'Brien

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Buy The Adoration of Jenna Fox Here:

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Buy I Am Number Four Here:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Five More Days!

Hey hey hey!

There's only five more days left in my giveaway!

It's free!

It's international!

It's awesome!

If you don't believe how crazy cool this program is, check out the latest page I made in this program!

I'm totally in love with program!

So go and enter the contest to win My Memories Suite! You have until midnight on Saturday, September 24 at midnight PST! 

Also! If you haven't taken advantage of this offer yet, all of the readers of Simply Kate can use this code:


And get $10 off of My Memories Suite and also $10 off of anything in the My Memories Store


It's free for everyone to use!

And don't forget to go enter the giveaway! Only five days left to enter!
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Loving Literature!

I have a few very exciting things to mention!


Earlier this week, I celebrated my channel 2 year anniversary on YouTube! 

It was quite a party!


I finished my Summer 2011 Reading List!

My deadline was September 30th, and I finished early. There was a total of 21 books on the list and 7,969 pages read. I'm pretty impressed with myself.

(That's not counting the extra five books (1,842 pages) that I also read this summer.

You can check out the completed list here!


I have officially started my Autumn 2011 Reading List!

You can check that out here!


I've finally received my complimentary flyers from that giveaway I had last month.

I'm so excited about them!

I'm so excited to start using these adorable flyers in the books I read! They are blank on one side and are only 4x6 so I can easily slip them into library books with thoughts about the books I've read!

I think it would even be fun to stop into book stores (especially when I travel) to drop off a few! Who knows! Maybe one of you will find one in a book that you read! Keep an eye out!

I thought it was a great way to use my reward and get the word out about my blog.

So fun!

What's on YOUR fall reading list?
Thursday, September 15, 2011

More Messing Around

If you missed it, I'm hosting this amazing giveaway right now! You can go check out details about how to enter HERE!

My Memories offered me a chance to review their software My Memories Suite and goodness, I am so loving it!

That's also what I'm giving away to one lucky reader!

Trust me, you better go enter because this is a program you definitely want to own!

And it's free if you win!

I spent an hour two tinkering around to make this page.

The goal for the day was to use as many embellishments as I could without making the page look cluttered.

So cute right?

So cute right?

It was so easy to place embellishments and I was so happy to find out that all of my existing digital scrapbook embellishments are usable in this program!

I'm loving this program more and more!

Be sure to go and enter the contest!

And as a special bonus, every reader of this blog gets an extra special promo code to use!


It will get you $10 off of My Memories Suite and $10 off ANYTHING in the My Memories Store!

Cool huh?

What is your favorite part of scrapbooking?
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Bright Side

I'm going to be honest.

Working with kids isn't always a stroll through the daisies.

They may look cute and harmless.

But unlike daisies, kids are loud, chaotic and definitely don't smell like a field of flowers.

I come home from work every day absolutely exhausted and drained.

It's not all bad though.

When I get home, I get to tell everyone about the funny things my little kiddos do.

And something that's even better than silly stories.

Kids have birthdays.

And when they have birthdays, they bring yummy Sesame Street characters for me to munch on.

Elmo came to see you!

There's only one thing better than looking at this adorable cupcake.

And that was eating it.

I really like my job!
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Giveaway by My Memories!

Guys! I've been given a fantastic opportunity!

I was given a free version of My Memories Suite!

Wait, you don't know what that is?

It's a program dedicated COMPLETELY to Digital Scrapbooking!

Needless to say, I am thrilled!

This program is incredible! And that's saying a lot when you know how much I adore Photoshop!
I spent the afternoon tinkering around in this program.
Cute right?

It's officially one of my favorite scrapbook pages ever!

And it's even made with stuff I bought in the My Memories Store!
(The "Pretty In Pink" pack to be precise!)

And there are a couple great features to this program that I discovered! 

1. There is an Auto-Mat Tool! If you want a simple mat on your photo, you can easily choose the size and color. And better yet! You can set it up so that every photo on a page has the exact same mat settings! AWESOME!

2. The Align/Space Tool! This was especially helpful when making the above page. You can line things up straight. And then you can space them EVENLY! I love this program!

There's bound to be other amazing things and I'm excited to find them out when I make more pages!
Now here's the exciting news!

One of you gets to win a free copy of My Memories Suite!

That's right!

Lucky ducks!

Here's what you have to do!

1. Go to the My Memories Website and tell me which item in their shop is your favorite in the comments!

And here's where you can get some extra entries!

1. Be a follower of Simply Kate!

2. Tweet about this giveaway!

3. Follow My Memories on their Blog, Twitter and Facebook!
(Each counts as a separate entry.)

4. Follow me on Twitter!

5. Like Simply Kate on Facebook!

Just be sure to use a separate comment for each!

This Giveaway will be open until September 24th at Midnight EST!

Be sure to enter to win this amazing program!

Also, as an added bonus to all of my readers! If you use this code:


You can get $10.00 off of My Memories Suite! And also $10.00 off anything in the My Memories Store!

That's $20.00 free dollars to spend on Digital Scrapbook stuff! Awesome, right?

It's only good once, so choose wisely!

Good luck everyone! This program is fantastic!
Friday, September 9, 2011

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Incredible, clever, quippy, intense, lovable, funny, dark, exciting. These are just a few of the words that describe this wonderful novel!

Buy the Books Here:

Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Prince

The City of Bones

The City of Ashes

The City of Glass

The City of Fallen Angels


Monday, September 5, 2011


I'm now on GoodReads!

Add me as a friend!

And join my new YouTube Book Reviewers Group! It's awesome!

Come join in the fun!
Saturday, September 3, 2011


- 1st: Orientation at Kohl's. Thank goodness. I almost had to move home! -
- 4th: Surprising and exciting interview at Creative Kids. I was offered the position on the spot! -
-5th: Officially became a Nevada citizen. I got a NV Driver's License. -
- 11th-14th: My sister and her boyfriend came to visit! We had great fun playing games and chatting! Kristi also won 700$ playing bingo! Go Kris! -
-17th: Filled out paperwork for Creative Kids, quit Kohl's, gave GameStop my two weeks notice -
- 22nd: My first official day at Creative Kids! -
- 29th: Aly took me out to eat at Red Robin! Thanks! -

Happiest Memory:
- Getting Prized in the mail! -

Saddest Memory:
- Picture a mess of tears anytime I worried about money. Which was frequent. -

Favorite Food:
Raspberries! I've found a place that sells them fresh and cheap! It's awesome!

Books Read:
- I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore - Decent. Not my favorite, but I did enjoy it after a slow beginning. -
- The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley - Wonderful! It's a reread, and it was just as magical the second time! -
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan - Such a fun novel. It's meant for a younger audience, but it was still good! -
- Prized by Caragh M. O'Brien - SO wonderful! It was my first ARC, and it was amazing! I LOVED it! -
- Tithe by Holly Black - Good enough by the end, but the beginning was a bit too raunchy for my liking. I ended up pretty invested in the story though. -
- Book of A Thousand Days by Shannon Hale - Another reread. Such a cute story. Not my favorite of Hale's, but it's still a favorite on my bookshelf! -
- Capt. Hook by J.V. Hart - So clever and fun! I had so much fun reading this book again! -

TV Shows Watched:
- LOST - I got the urge to watch all the madness again. Still as confusing as it once was. -
- Chuck - Alyson and I have been watching it together. Man, I love this show! It's so quippy! -

Favorite Photos:

Overall Impression:
It always astounds me how the months with the least amount of highlights are the ones where I am the busiest. I've been working so hard these past two weeks and it's been very rewarding. And exhausting. Being an adult is super scary, and was very much on the forefront of my mind this month. But I think I did a pretty good job at keeping it together and sucking it up.
Friday, September 2, 2011

Entwined by Heather Dixon

Such a wonderful retelling of a beautiful fairy tale!

Buy Entwined Here: