Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On the road again...

I'm going to Vegas tomorrow for five days. I can hear your groans of jealousy. But before you get too excited, I'm not going to Viva Las Vegas to party it up in the city of sin. 

My sister is moving into her new house. My dad and I are driving the eight to ten hours it's going to take to get us there so we can help her paint her new place and move all of her stuff from her apartment into her big girl house. It's going to be a lot of work.

But I get to spend time with my wonderful dad (He's a great road trip companion. Kinda love traveling with him.) and my sister, Alyson. I lived with Aly for 6 months and got used to seeing her every day. Once every three or four months just isn't cutting it. Nope. So five days with her is going to be amazing! (Even if she is making me paint her house.)

2 Thoughts:

Lexa said...

Sounds fantastic even if it is mostly house renovation. Hope you have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Aw. I have never painted a house. :-(