Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Autumn 2011 Reading List

City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

People of Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau

Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau

Prophet of Yonwood by Jeanne DuPrau

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr

Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan 

Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison 

Hourglass by Myra McEntire

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Enclave by Ann Aguirre

A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Books That I Gave Up On:

Fire by Kristin Cashore

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Check out my Autumn Reading List and read along with me!

Currently Reading:

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.

Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.

Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers. 

Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.

Buy the book on Amazon.com or by clicking on the image!

The People of Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau

The People of Sparks picks up where The City of Ember leaves off. Lina and Doon have emerged from the underground city to the exciting new world above, and it isn’t long before they are followed by the other inhabitants of Ember. The Emberites soon come across a town where they are welcomed, fed, and given places to sleep. But the town’s resources are limited and it isn’t long before resentment begins to grow between the two groups. When anonymous acts of vandalism push them toward violence, it’s up to Lina and Doon to discover who’s behind the vandalism and why, before it’s too late.

Buy the book on Amazon.com or by clicking on the image!

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

If you care for journeys there and back, out of the comfortable Western world, over the edge of the Wild, and home again, and can take an interest in a humble hero (blessed with a little wisdom and a little courage and considerable good luck), here is a record of such a journey and such a traveler. The period is the ancient time between the age of Faerie and the dominion of men, when the famous forest of Mirkwood was still standing, and the mountains were full of danger. In following the path of this humble adventurer, you will learn by the way (as he did) -- if you do not already know all about these things -- much about trolls, goblins, dwarves, and elves, and get some glimpses into the history and politics of a neglected but important period. For Mr. Bilbo Baggins visited various notable persons; conversed with the dragon, Smaug the Magnificent; and was present, rather unwillingly, at the Battle of the Five Armies. This is all the more remarkable, since he was a hobbit. Hobbits have hitherto been passed over in history and legend, perhaps because they as a rule preferred comfort to excitement. But this account, based on his personal memoirs, of the one exciting year in the otherwise quiet life of Mr. Baggins will give you a fair idea of the estimable people now (it is said) becoming rather rare. They do not like noise.

Buy the book on Amazon.com or by clicking on the image!

Recently Finished and Reviewed:

Firelight by Sophie Jordan
(Review coming soon!)

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
(Review coming soon!)

A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young
(Review coming soon!)

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
(Review coming soon!)

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Forgotten by Cat Patrick

The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
(Review coming soon!)

The Twits, The Witches, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda by Roald Dahl
(Review coming soon!)

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison

For more reviews, check out KatesBookClub on YouTube!

Be my friend on GoodReads!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Email Me!

katemichellouiseweb (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thursday, May 14, 2009


Simply Kate

Simply Kate

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To and Fro

Places away from this blog where Simply Kate has been spotted!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

About Kate

I am a daughter. A sister. A friend.

An author. A director. A musician.

Me. Myself. I. 

I am Simply Kate.

I grew up in a small town in Utah. I lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood until I was 18. As I grew, the town grew too, and I've loved watching all the changes in both of us. I moved away for a short amount of time, but I'm back. I feel connected to this town and don't know if I ever want to leave it for long.

From a young age I've been interested in fairy tales and writing. While I'm still waiting for my very own fairy tale to start, I  write all the time. This blog is my biggest writing outlet. I've also written a novel, and am in the process of plotting my second. I suppose until my very own, real life fairy tale begins, I will settle for writing some fairy tales for the characters in my head.

I love to sing and be on stage. The spotlight is my friend. Some shows I've been in:

The Wizard of Oz
A Midsummer Night's Dream 
12 Dancing Princesses
The Curious Savage
7 Brides For 7 Brothers

My blog is about my life. My thoughts. My ideas. My impressions. 

It is just like the title says: Simply Kate. It's simply me.