Monday, July 26, 2010

Dear Today,

Thank you for being so good. Nothing about you was fancy, but I sure enjoyed your company. 

Here's a list of the things that you brought me today.

  • Understanding that going back home instead of moving to Vegas is the best choice for me. Now that my decision has been made, I can stop worrying. It's been wearing me out wondering what I should do. So thank you for the peace of knowing that the decision is made and that it's the right one.
  • Beautiful music to make me smile: The Call and He Lives In You.
  • A new episode of Red Vs. Blue. So funny!
  • Watching South Park with my sister. Butters is the best character ever!
  • Papa John's. Nuff said.
  • Just being content about everything. 
Yes. Today, thank you for being amazing. 

I hope you'll come again soon!

Oh well.

"'You're funny, smart, and really easy to talk to.' That's what he said."

"Yeah. He just wants to be friends."

Well, there ya go. 
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey all! I just want to apologize for being so blog-missing lately. I've been having a really rough time and had nothing of interest to write about and I had a feeling everything that I COULD write would be sad and depressy. *Big breath!* That was a long sentence. 

But things are looking up again. This is a relatively short post, but I just wanted to link you to two of my posts that I just posted. (They are my monthly posts that I missed. I cheated and changed the date to look like I really did post them at the right time.)

Monthly Review

Goal Updates

They aren't anything to spectacular, but there they are if you want to read them. :) I have lots of exciting things going on in my life now and I'm much happier, so I plan on writing more now that I have my forgotten posts all done! See you all soon!
Monday, July 12, 2010

Goals Update: June 12 - July 12

I'm not doing very well at keeping up my goals. I need to try harder. 

21 Goals for my 21st Year of Life!
  1. Pursue 12 Steps and make myself better. Had a little slip, but I'm back on track.
  2. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover. Haven't started yet...
  3. Reach my goal weight. Actually gained a little bit, but I'm going back down. 22 lbs. left.
  4. Blog at least 120 times this year. 6 out of 120.
  5. Get myself worthy to enter the temple. Still getting closer.
  6. Do an act of service at least once a month. 1 out of 12.
  7. Read at least 50 books. 1 out of 50.
  8. Share my testimony at least once each month. 2 out of 12.
  9. Get kissed. Completed in May.
  10. Take at least 120 photos this year. 7 out of 120.
  11. Watch every movie I own. 1 out of 273.
  12. Visit with my grandmother at least once a month. 2 out of 12.
  13. Get a job. No luck yet.
  14. Write a letter to 60 people I love this year. 5 out of 60.
  15. Be social. Did great this month.
  16. Make at least 12 videos this year. 0 out of 12.
  17. Write in my journal at least 4 times a month. 5 out of 48.
  18. Fast at least once each month. 2 out of 12.
  19. Go for a hike in Jone's Hole. Haven't made it yet.
  20. Prepare at least two meals for my family each month. 1 out of 24.
  21. Try something new every month. 2 out of 12.*
*I moved to Vegas for 6 weeks. That's definitely new.
Thursday, July 1, 2010

June: A Month in the Life of Katie


  • 2nd ~ Drove a fancy black Jaguar. Thanks Devin!
  • 3rd ~ Broke up with Tim.
  • 11th ~ Dinner at Wingers with Natalie and bonfire at the sand dunes.
  • 15th ~ Natalie took me to opening night of Damn Yankees. Great fun. 
  • 16th ~ Singles BBQ and dance.
  • 17th ~ Happy birthday Hannah! And my friend Toni came over and stayed the night.
  • 18th ~ Happy birthday John!
  • 19th ~ Father's day BBQ.
  • 20th ~ Happy Father's day dad! I love you!
  • 27th ~ Linger Longer. 
Happiest Moment: Weighing 176 pounds. My lowest in YEARS!

Saddest Moment: The whole month was spent really depressed, so they all get lost in there.

  • Pretty Little Liars - Teen drama and is kind of corny... but I find it really entertaining. Everyone needs a guilty pleasure.
  • Persons Unknown - Very much like I imagine Saw is, but without the gore. I haven't decided what I think yet.
  • 100 Questions - Incredibly cheesy sitcom, but it's something to have to watch every week.
Favorite Food: Chocolate milk wins again this month.

Overall: It was a really hard month. I'm definitely glad it's over.