Saturday, October 23, 2010


With only just over a week until November, I've started panicking about what I'm going to do with my blog while I'm obsessively writing my NaNoWriMo novel. 

I've come to the conclusion that I have to be very organized. I've scheduled out my posts, and will do a fair amount of pre-writing. 

Question Mondays:

I plan on answering any questions you have about me. So if you have questions, please ask them!

Time Travel Tuesdays:

Stories, pictures and videos from my past. Embarrassing, heartfelt, laughable moments.

Giveaway Thursdays:

It will start at the beginning of the month, and you'll have a chance to enter again each week. On Thanksgiving Thursday, I will present the winner!

Guest Blogger Fridays:

I'll let someone take control of a post for a day, therefore helping to lighten my load!

Synopsis Sundays:

Where I'll update you all on my NaNoWriMo progess and leave you with an excerpt of my writing from that week. 

So there you have it. My blog schedule for the month of November! It's going to be a crazy one! Wish me luck!

6 Thoughts:

Andnowlights said...

I'm still deciding if I want to do Nanowrimo this year! I love it more than anything and I haven't done it in a few years, but man! I hate losing.

Kate Weber said...

Andnowlights: I think you should definitely do NaNo! We can be writing buddies and keep each other motivated! It's my goal to write 100k this year. EEP!

Rachel said...

Ahh I like the schedule, I'm excited :) GOOD LUCK writing your novel!!

AmberLaShell said...

I am still getting everything ready for next week.. Btw, I added you as a writing buddy on NaNoWriMo, but user name is amberlashell good luck!

Natali Puga said...

Your blog is so cute!
Thanks for stopping by mine(:

Anonymous said...

Good schedule. I'm going to enjoy catching up on it!