Friday, October 15, 2010


My grandma is one of the most amazing women I know. She is spiritual, and loving and has had such an amazing life. 

She passed away an hour ago. I was able to be there when she passed and it was such an amazing, peaceful experience. My mind is still comprehending it. 

I love you grandma. With all of my heart. Thank you for helping to start this wonderful family that I belong to. 

Thank you for being there for me whether I was sick and needed you, or whether I was in a play and just wanted you to see me on stage. 

Thank you for being the center of nearly every family tradition we have.

And most of all. Thank you for being my grandma. 

I love you!

My grandma and me on my blessing day.

My grandma and her 7 children. (This is one of my favorite pictures of all time.)

My grandma and me September 12, 2010

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful grandmother. I will miss you so much!

Until we meet again.

Rae Rasmussen
April 23, 1922 - October 15, 2010

12 Thoughts:

Melanie's Randomness said...

aww Kate I'm sorry to hear about your grandma! She seems like an awesome lady! I love the pic of her & her kids. God bless her. Sending cyber love & strength to you & your family.

Leigh said...

Sorry for your loss, but happy to know she's in Heaven now. Saying a prayer for you and your family.


AWWW mama *hugs* sorry for your loss sweetie. I havent prayed since I was a tween...but I'll pray for you and your family today.

Ella Unread said...

Hi Kate, I am very sorry to read this but at the same time I feel something like pride, I feel like I am proud of you for dealing with it so's nice to know you said it was a peaceful experience, I wish it was always like that...
I will pray for you and your family...sigh...*hugs*

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

so sweet. now you have an Angel looking down.

Anonymous said...

My condolences on this event.

If you'd like to talk, or whatever, you know how to find me.

Framed said...

Beautiful pictures and memories. I'm so glad you were there when she passed. It was a wonderful moment.

Blogs said...

oh darling....she's amazing and so are you sweetie:) lots of love! i know no words can make you feel whole again! xoxo

Amber said...

So sorry for your loss.

Such great pics to remember her by!

daniela said...

So so sorry about your Grandma, Kate!! *many hugs*

Rachel said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandma. I admire how positive you are being; celebrating her life and affirming yours and your family's love for her. Despite being a stranger, my thoughts are with you.

Marta said...

Im so sorry for your loss, girl!
How old was she?
My grandma is 82 and is getting more and more sick and weak every single day...