Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I've always loved Halloween. But I am terrible at costumes. So terrible that I was a cat for two years in a row. 

It would help if I had more money, but I am so awful at costumes. But this year, I'm actually very excited for my cheap, but fun and cute ideas. (At least, I hope that they'll be cute.)

I must be very into insects because my two choices are:

A Ladybug:


A Bumble Bee:

I can't decide between the two, so if you would all be so kind as to vote for which one you like better?

I get paid in about a week, so the voting will be open until then. I'll be sure to post pictures of the finished product. 

22 Thoughts:

AmberLaShell said...

I think lady bug would be totally cute!

read my blog @ amberlashell.com

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I love the lady bug it is sooooo adorable!

Rachel said...

I vote lady bug!

Oh and cute idea for your consideration: I've seen a "lady" bug costume before, where you dress up super ladylike [think British teaparty] OR crazy girly [tiara, tutu, feather boa, etc] and then wear bug wings and antennae along with it. So then they're a LADY bug...get it?! Hahaha. Hope that makes sense!

I still think a lady bug would awesome :) But I adore the bumblebee idea as well....such a tough choice! Good luck! I hope your job is going well!

Kevin said...

I have to go with lady bug on this. :)

lalalalauren said...

Lady bug has my vote!

thegirlhassparke said...

Borh really cute ideas but I think I would go for the bee! It seems like I am the minority though :-)

Z.J.Ascensio said...

Personally, I dig the bee costumes, but the color of the ladybug looks better on most people. But if I had to vote for one, I'd say bee.


DUDE GO FOR THE LADY BUG!!!!!! I love those little fockers!!!

Randa said...

Lady bug! Bumble bees are so over rated. :0] jk jk

Leigh said...

Ladybugs are way cuter!

Anonymous said...


the Tsaritsa said...

Looks like most people are voting for the ladybug, but I personally like the bumble bee idea. I was a bumble bee one year and it was really cute-- I bought some yellow and black striped tights and wore it with a black top and skirt, and some crazy wings I found in a part store.

Plus, honey bees are slowly dying, so your costume has a dual purpose-- to be cute, and let people know to help save the bees!

Plum said...

I wanted to be one of those last year, but they were all the rage so I didn't. The year before that it seemed like everyone was Rainbow Brite (there were four at the party I went to).

I vote ladybug. Either is good though.

Cole Garrett said...

Hmmm... I say lady bug

Unknown said...

I like the lady bug! I saw lots of bee costumes last year so the lady bug will be much more original :)

daniela said...

Both are cute - i know, very helpful, eh? I would go with whether you look better in red or yellow. Seriously. We all have our colours :)

daniela said...

Both are cute - i know, very helpful, eh? I would go with whether you look better in red or yellow. Seriously. We all have our colours :)

Ella Unread said...


Booklogged said...

I'm going with the ladybug. Although, I think you made a very cute cat!

Blogs said...

oh my gooodness.....these are the two best things...how could i pick between the two...i always do cats too...they are just sooo easy....i'd say ladybug because i love them soooo much...but bees are kinda cute as costumes:) tough one!

Chels said...

I've always thought the ladybug costume was cute. Apparently along with the 20 people above me as well. I was a bee last year, though I felt more like a hooker bee. Costumes these days...

Traveliztera said...

Lady BUg!!! :D Lookin forward to your costume! ;)

Btw, saw u in 20SB! :D Nice to have stumbled upon your blog! :D