Friday, July 22, 2011

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

This book is wonderful and has such an inspiring message.

Buy the book:                  Buy the movie: 

6 Thoughts:

Andrea said...

I watched the movie a few months ago, very moving!

Anonymous said...

It's the first book I read when I arrived in Ireland - I loved it! The movie is as good.

Feed the Birdies Vintage said...

Oh, I am going to add this to my reading list! :) There are so many I want to read, but I love having reviews like yours to help me pick.

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Hi Kate!

Never heard of this book, adding it to my list!! Thanks for sharing!! Loved your vlog ;) Love your hair too!! You are totally rockin those bangs!!

I'm your newest follower and found you thru Comment Love! So glad I did :) Have a great rest of your weekend!


Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to see this movie (even more so now)! Might have to drag my boyfriend to the video store next weekend ...

Dopping by from FLOBs.

Kelly @
Elegantly Academic

L!$@ said...

I literally just finished this book on Friday! Loved it too. I also saw the movie first and found out it was a book...gotta read them once I find that out! :D