Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Love a Parade

The Fourth of July always starts with getting up a little too early and heading over to main street to stand in massive crowds in the uncomfortable heat.

It's one of my favorite things about the day.

Goofy little floats made by various groups lazily stroll through the middle of town while people watch and smile. People sell everything from soda to pets to the spectators on the sidewalks. And four jets fly over main street, making the ground rumble as they pass. 

It's one of the best things about my favorite holiday!

What did you do to celebrate the Fourth of July?

4 Thoughts:

Dee said...

Hope you had a nice 4th of July.

Booklogged said...

Awesome pictures!

I sent you an email yesterday and then realized you never check your email.

Myke Weber said...

Good times!

Toni Rose said...

2 4th of july-s in the states but i havent experience a real 4th of july celebration :/