Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have a few exciting things to talk about!

#1: I love my job. Kids are adorable. 

#2: I did my very first guest post on Vic's blog! Check out the post and her blog!

#3: I want to thank all of you guys! I reached 100 followers today, and I am so thrilled and baffled that 100 people want to read my stuff! I love you guys!

#4: Glee! Do I have to say anything else?

10 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Haha, cute pic!! Sue is a riot, I love her poop cookies!

And congrats on reaching 100 followers, that's great!!!!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Well congrats on hitting 100 Followers!! I taped Glee last night so I can watch it today! haha your pic is hilarious! Cool that you like your job! =)

Marisa Knudsen said...

Hi Kate,

I found you through 20 Something Bloggers and saw you were interested in reading new blogs - if you'd like, please check mine out -- Random musings and rants and the occassional attempt to be amusing. ;)

I look forward to reading more from you!

Kevin said...

I'm happy for you, Katie. :) Glad you're enjoying your job!

suki @ [Super Duper Fantastic] said...

congrats on the job! :)

Anonymous said...

Glee's cool. Not as cool as Supernatural and ripping heads off vampires.

Maudey said...

Hi Kate!

I love Glee too! If you have time, you can check out my blog where I've written about the premiere episode:

btw, congrats on your job! only a few people love theirs! :D


damn...not once have I ever loved one of my jobs...hmmmm but I love being a jobless bum...but the cats hating this shit right now....cant go on feeding her like I would a chicken skins and lunch meat lol

Ladii said...

Loved your guest post and Vic is the best she cracks me up! Ive NEVER seen Glee No Idea what it is lol just recently found out its a show....Im your newest follower
check out my blog at

Anonymous said...

It will be a long time before I ever see Glee. But oh well; New Zealand is more important.