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Thursday, September 16, 2010
One Hundredth Post!

That's right my lovelies! I have officially written ONE HUNDRED posts! It's pretty much amazing! I'm thrilled!
So, to do something special for this post, I decided to make a list of ONE HUNDRED things that I like.
With pictures.
(This post took me days to finish. I must really love you guys.)
Here we go! (In no particular order) ONE HUNDRED things I like!
1. BBQ's
2. Doodling
3. Friends
4. Music
5. Sharpies
6. Kissing
7. Chinese Food
8. Hiking
9. Pillows
10. Theatre
11. Church
12. Mexican Food
13. YouTube
14. Blogging
15. Inside Jokes
16. Driving
17. Guitar Hero
18. Salmon
19. Video Cameras
20. Performing
21. Colored Pencils
22. Hand Sanitizer
23. Red Vs. Blue
24. Books
25. Computers
26. Lists
27. Sunglasses
28. Boy Meets World
29. Fall Leaves
30. New Clothes
31. Calvin and Hobbes
32. Dreaming
33. Halloween
34. Multnomah Falls
35. Sunflowers
36. Bulletin Boards
37. Cuddling
38. Glowsticks
39. MSN Messenger
40. Quilts
41. Sugar Cookies
42. Playgrounds
43. My Novel
44. Lord of the Rings
45. Indoor Plumbing
46. Homemade Rootbeer
47. Family
48. Dying Easter Eggs
49. Card Games
50. Camping
51. Zelda
52. Long Hair
53. Ukulele
54. Singing
55. Stargazing
56. Geometry
57. Raspberries
58. Fire
59. Pedicures
60. Cards
61. Chicken Salad Sandwiches
62. Dried Roses
63. Green Screens
64. Halo
65. Long Necklaces
66. Movies
67. Old Yearbooks
68. Scarves
69. Thanksgiving
70. White Board Calendars
71. Christmas
72. Mozzarella Sticks
73. Clotheslines
74. Photoshop
75. Eye Makeup
76. Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes
77. Hot Dogs
78. South Park
79. Killer Bunnies
80. Losing Weight
81. Coloring Books
82. Water
83. Crying Laughter
84. Traveling
85. Guitar
86. Sunkist
87. Heels
88. Post Its
89. Orcas
90. My Cats
91. Long Earrings
92. Warm Summer Rain
93. Sudoku
94. Journals
95. Hot Chocolate
96. Soup
97. Roller Coasters
98. Fireworks
99. Decorating
100. Picture Frames
There you have it! ONE HUNDRED Things I Like!
(What are ONE HUNDRED thins YOU like?)
I'm looking for another ONE HUNDRED posts! I hope you are all as excited as I am!
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17 Thoughts:
Kudos in mentioning Halo and Red vs Blue. No kudos in mentioning Boy meets world. =P Congrats!
Funny that losing weight and hot dogs, roast beef and mashed potatoes and mozzarella sticks are on the same collage. Eat up!
i'm pretty sure we are the same person...or twins seperated at birth...or the same person. yep definitely. =)
congrats on 100 posts! and I don't think there is a thing on that list that I don't love, or wouldn't love.
and my heart went pitter-patter when you listed Multnomah Falls. It's my favorite! (besides Snoqualmie Falls, cause I got engaged there.)
okay so i lied...i really really don't like orcas...or geometry. but that's okay, we can still be friends, right?
Kate the Great, this is AWESOME!!! Your pictures are INCREDIBLE!!! And holy cow, you'd have to put thought into that to think of THAT many things! I'm super impressed. Oh, AND you INSPIRED me to do a rendition list of my own, which takes some brainstorming and a WHOLE lot of time! But it's so nice to stop and THINK about this kind of stuff, you know?
I can try to post 1 hundred things but I think I'll get stuck on 8 or so
Congrats on 100 posts! Great list. I look forward to reading more from you blog, chica!
Good work putting up Boy Meets World. That was like a staple of my adolescence.
There were a lot on here that I "me too!"ed but the ones that stuck out to me: Boy Meets World, chicken salad sandwiches (dammit now I need one for lunch) and eye make-up. So, so good.
Congrats on 100! :)
WOO HOO! Congrats mama on a kick ass run! I wish we had cake or something!!
I LOVE Sharpies!!! There is nothing more satisfying then opening a brand new Sharpie for the first time!
Congratulations on 100 posts, that's awesome!
Dang. Impressive list! And pictures. And having a hundred posts. I haven't even been keeping track of how many I have? Because I rule at blogging...
Congrats :)
Seriously this is such an awesome list! I love that Zelda, Boy meets world, Halo, dried roses, & Calvin & Hobbes got in there! Well your blog rocks so I gotta follow! Your reading one of my favorite books also. Sunshine ruled! Have a great weekend!
What a neat idea! I want to use it on SBAP one of these days. I love your choice of imagery. Very colorful!
awesome post!!!
I see Zelda, Guitar and photoshop... and lots more that we have in common.
My fiancé is a BIG video gamer and he LOVES Zelda... He also plays music, has his own CD out and has even played on The Grand Ole Opry.
OMG! Boy Meets World... I thought I was the only one!
AWESOME! You did so well getting here! And those collages were fantastic!