Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I need your kind thoughts and well wishes, my lovely readers. I have an interview in 15 minutes.

It's been a crazy three hours. I'll be sure to write a better post soon! 

I'm just all ready to go, and nervous and needed to DO something!

Wish me luck!

7 Thoughts:

Blogs said...

GOOD Luck Dahling:) xoxoxo

daniela said...

Yay! Go get 'em! :)

Cole Garrett said...

Yay! Good luck! Obviously, you're gone now, but what is it for?

Unknown said...

good luck! :)

Rachel said...

Good luck/buena suerte/bonne chance!!!

Little Scarf Girl said...

Late, but I hope the interview went well! :)

Anonymous said...


Did you get the job? :-P