Sunday, September 12, 2010


We went down to my grandmother's house to take family pictures. It's always a big hassle. We take the photos ourself with the help of our camera's remote, and we always have to color coordinate which causes a lot of stress. But I think that they turned out well. Here are a few of my favorites.

The whole family at the Mulberry Tree. Growing up this was one of my favorite things about grandma's house. It had bits of wood nailed all over that we used to climb up. It used to seem so big when I was little.

It's tradition to take a goofy picture. 

My parents. Aren't they adorable? I love them so much.

Me and my sisters. Such pretty girls.

We all took a picture with my beautiful grandma. I love her so much. 

This is by the cow barn in her field. This is my favorite picture of the day. I love my family.

(P.S. Way to go family for color coordinating with my blog. You guys are awesome!)

5 Thoughts:

Framed said...

Wow that was fast. They turned out amazing. I like the one with Grandma. The photographer did such a good job. :)

Alyson said...

It works!!! It works!!! Just thought I'd let you know. I'm on mom's computer and I'm able to see your blog. Cute post...what a beautiful family you have. ;)

julie said...

Wow! You guys all look so great! I love the black shirts and blue jeans look. Very very nice family pics!

Anonymous said...

your grandma is so cute. I miss mine so MUCH... My Granny adopted and raised me from the time I was born. We were together everyday until the last day of her life. It is going on 5mths. Nothing like a Granny's love

Anonymous said...

You are so totally the prettiest sister there! And I like the black top and blue jeans!