Monday, September 20, 2010

To Me:

Hey Katie. It's you. Well... it's me. It's us. It's Katie from the future. I can see that you don't understand.

It's me, Katie from the future and I am here to give a warning to you, Katie in the past. You are about to go to sleep. It is Saturday night for you. Here is what you need to do tomorrow. Listen carefully. 

When the alarm goes off Sunday morning, get up. I know that your head is dizzy, your throat hurts, and you can't breathe. This is just the remnants of your cold. These symptoms are going to pass in about an hour. If you get up and shower, you will be fine. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT just roll over and go back to sleep. You should go to church.

If you get up now, you will also save yourself from some really awful, crazy weird dreams. Trust me. You don't want to experience the madness. 

I know you don't realize it now, but it's is our ward's Linger Longer. You know how amazing they are. Once you realize this, it is already too late. You will be sorry that you didn't go. 

Next, you'll play more Zelda with Kevin. You'll play through Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly. We both know it's our least favorite Temple. Why? Because you hate the boss. He haunts your nightmares.

You'll also get a few other things accomplished in the game. But you'll make a mistake. You have two options. 

  1. Don't jump off the platform. Climb the vines. 
  2. If you do jump off the platform, SAVE THE GAME before restarting the console! You will have to go through all of the Jabu Jabu nonsense AGAIN. SAVE. THE. GAME! Trust me. 
Just remember these things tomorrow. I suppose if you don't, the day is still a pretty good one. But I recommend following my advice. Good day to you.

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for my GIVEAWAY!! You have until Saturday!

19 Thoughts:

margiepoo said...

wake up now katie!

Randa said...

Haha. Very amusing. :0]

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

So...what happened? Did you listen to your future self? Or did you sleep in? =)

Billy Apathy said...

Yeah, that temple is lame. Totally not cool. Plus, you're still little Link, which is even more lame. So much cooler when you get all grown'd up.

Cole Garrett said...

I remember playing that level and wondering how come the boss has electricity and no one else in the Zelda universe does.

Ella Unread said...

lol, that's cute! My future self doesn't give me useful pieces of advice :P

lalalalauren said...

I love this! I wish my future self was capable of contacting me and giving me advice. I've gotten whiny letters from my past self asking for insight before, but those don't do me any good. Haha.

Blogs said...

Love the sense of humor...ur too cute! joining from 20sb! enjoy the week

the Tsaritsa said...

I remember playing Super Mario 64 and having to play the same level all over again.

Tell us about your crazy dreams!

Kim @citygirlinak said...

too funny. i wish my future self would leave me notes like that! but then again, i stayed home sick today because my future self didn't try to convince me to go to work. thanks for the laughs girlie! hope you're feeling better.

k-money said...

I don't think I've ever gone to church sans-hangover. It's worse when my grandma sits next to me in the choir. Or when I still have remnants of marker on my chest.

Blogs said...

okay sweetie ur button doesn't work. i can make it for u if you need just goes to the picture not the blog:( let me know!


The snooze button is my best keeps me from killing :) YOU SO GET ME LMFAO!

Paige said...

wake up kate!

Little Scarf Girl said...

Haha! If only we could give ourselves notes like this. And having to play through a level you just beat is the WORST. Especially that Jabu Jabu stuff from Occarina of Time. :(

MissEmy said...

ooooh, the snooze button!! My worst nightmare. :P

Dominick said...

this was creative..I like :)

Kevin said...

See... I hate being inside Jabu-Jabu's belly, because it's just too weird. But Barinade is a fun boss! :D I don't know, I think s/he's more entertaining than Gohma.

Morpha... now THAT's a lame boss.

Anonymous said..., did this post work at all? :-P