Thursday, September 9, 2010

Someone Loves Me!

Back in May, I was awarded a Blog Award. I am just now accepting it. I am the ultimate procrastinator. I'm not ungrateful! I promise! I was so excited when I received this award that I was telling everyone!

I was given this award by the lovely KG over at A City Girl in Rural Alaska
(Her blog is hilarious. Every time I read it, I crack up. I heart her. Thank you KG!)

To accept this wonderful award, I must, first, tell you all about 10 things I love:

#1. My Family.
They are my everything, and I don't know what I would do without them!

#2: My computers (and internet access)
I spend so much of my day on the computer. I would be a broken shell of a person without it. 

#3: Fluffy Quilts.
Who doesn't love cuddling up in a huge poofy quilt?

#4: Zelda.
It's just incredible. I've been playing through a few Zelda games lately, and plan on doing a few more. I love it. (And Link is so sexy. Mm.)

#5: Calvin and Hobbes.
I've loved them since I was a little kid. I collect the books.

#6: Photoshop.
'Nuff said!

#7: Lord of the Rings
Because it's amazing. That is all.

#8: Picture Frames
What's not to love about a good collage of picture frames? (This is my room. Cute huh?)

#9: Chocolate Banana Shakes
I can't even find the words. The deliciousness is insanity.

#10: Barcelona
Their music is incredible. I am totally crushing on this band. 

Now I get to pass this beautiful award on to ten bloggers that I love!
You should all check them out too!

Booklogged @ A Readers Journal
Utah Mom @ Utah Mom's Life
Julie @ Mes Bijoux
Stacey and Lauren @ House of Chic and Penoche

2 Thoughts:

Katie said...

I have that same "LOVE" picture from in my room. Walmart FTW

Anonymous said...

Aww, this post was sweet. I liked that water-fish photo manip of you.