Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am in love with Saturday. 


I got to sleep in.

I got to play Zelda with Kevin. So much fun!

And we got past the Water Temple! I hate that place!

I have the rest of the afternoon to read blogs and my book. 


We have a winner! 

Congrats Kayley! You are the winner of CharaNavi! 

You have until next Saturday to get me your information or I'll pick another winner!

18 Thoughts:

Blogs said...

yeah...weekends pretty much rock! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your encouragement on my blog! That dog is so stink'n cute. :)

Kevin said...

The Water Temple sucks so much. Actually, a lot of water themed dungeons in Zelda really suck.

At least the Shadow Temple will be a breeze. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad u had a nice, lovely weekend

Anonymous said...

link isn't as cool as blonde gender confused transvestites, aka Metroid not Shiek. Shiek is cool when it comes to Smash Bros.

Z.J.Ascensio said...

Oh yeah. I love love love Saturdays. Glad you had fun. :)

Denise said...

Reading in bed is my favorite part of the weekend!

Unknown said...

Hehe, can;t beat a bit of sleep and Zelda on a weekend.. isn't that what they were invented for?


Hello. I"m a new follower. Check out y blog and if you find it the least interesting, follow me. If not that's cool too.

Anonymous said...

I totally didn't notice the puppy picture when I first came. What camera did you use? It's absolutely adorable!

Garnet Flower said...

I have classes on Saturdays which blows...buuut this Saturday I managed to sneak in a football game and go to Boston! So I agree with you..Saturday rocks. love, love, LOVE!

Glad you had a great weekend!

Michelle said...

aww the lil french bulldog is soo cute!

Perfect day!

Tracita Linda (Tracey) said...

What a cool place you've got here. New follower, over from 20sb.

Jas said...

Um, your personal photos are simply adorable. In other words, you're adorable.

Thank you so much for the blog award, too! Love it.

Sailor July said...

I just stopped by from 20sb and I love your blog! Plus, you mention cute dogs, Zelda and reading all in one post? AWESOME!!!

I freaking LOVE Zelda, BTW. I'm a gamer and a major geek, so yeah. ^_^

Sailor July said...

Okay... And I was just reading more and YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER?! WOOHOO!!!

I can't wait for the new movie. :D :D :D I've read all the books, seen all the movies so far, etc., etc...

Okay, I'll stop spamming you now!

Plum said...

Water temples are always the worst! Water level up, water level down, water level up... Ugh, I always lose track.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Saturdays and congrats to Kayley!

...why do I want to call her Kaywinnit Ley Frye?