Thursday, November 4, 2010

Giveaway Thursday!

I always love doing giveaways! It's so much fun to celebrate the love I have for my blog by giving stuff to one of my readers.

I went to the store with no idea what I was going to give away. As I was aimlessly wandering the aisles, I found a whole mess of things. So I decided to follow Oprah's lead and give away a few of my favorite things!

This prize includes:

A ribbon set. I LOVE ribbon.
A deck of cards. Good for so many games!
A pair of long, REALLY fuzzy socks. 
Black and white bangles.
An adorable black notebook. I always have a notebook with me. I'm constantly jotting things down. This one is adorable and has cute green and white polka dots inside!
A pocket sudoku book. Sudoku is the bomb.
A super long beaded necklace.
And my favorite silver nail polish. It looks so cute on toes!

All you have to do to win is leave me a comment telling me three things you're thankful for. (It's the Thanksgiving season after all!)

For an extra entry you can tweet about this giveaway. Just comment telling me you did!

This giveaway will be going all month! I will announce the winner on Thanksgiving Day! (November 25th for those of you not in the US.) 

Each Thursday you'll have another chance to enter, so be sure to check in! 

Good luck!

17 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

* having had my Granny raise me and in my life for 25 years.

* Scotty

* God

AmberLaShell said...

I am thankfull for the following:
1) My family who loves me no matter what
2)My brother for living through a house fire (I would have died had I lost him)
3) My fiance for always being there for me

Also, I tweeted it! @amberlashell

the Tsaritsa said...

Cute stuff! I like how the giveaways match, too :) I'm very thankful for my friends, family, and my kitty!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful my family friends a home and food

Little Debi said...

- My friends

- My family


- love

- aaand music

Sorry I know you said 3 but I couldn't just stop there. I guess I'll wait til next week though to put more.

lalalalauren said...

I'm thankful for:

- music
- family/friends
- coffee :)

Denise said...

I'm thankful for my love of reading, can't pass up that. Thankful for the love of my family, because I need them. And, I'm thankful for the natural talents I've been given.

Kim @citygirlinak said...

give aways are so super fun! and i love that you picked out a few of your favorite things!

I am thankful for:
-My Husband, who takes such good care of me.
-the internet, without it I would never survive living in Alaska.
-a truck that runs, otherwise i would still be walking to work everyday, and it's just too darn cold.

Adrienne said...

1. Blogs to stay connected with friends
2. Sweaters
3. Nathan Jack :)

Stacey said...

I'm thankful that I can see. And I'm thankful that I can see color and that I have the talent to put colors together which I love! AND I'm thankful that I have fun in-laws that love to play games! :)
and I tweeted!

shellasaurusrex said...

my cat

my amazing supportive boyfriend

my aunt because without her i'd be motherless and lost

shellasaurusrex @ gmail

Amber said...

We already had out thanksgiving up here and it was wonderful! Definitely one of my favorite holidays :D

I'm thankful for family (celebrating holidays is way to lame without them)

I'm thankful for having few worries and stresses in my life


I'm thankful for random little shops in the middle of nowhere. (went on a nice long hike, after it had rained (how smart are we?). It resulted in a fun day, but also soaking wet shoes and socks. we came off the trail miles from home and in the middle of nowhere. We ended up walking for a bit off the trail and found a nice little shop that had, of all things, socks!! Soft new socks are one of my favourite things. They just feel SO good.

Audra said...

I am thankful for my mom, she is amazing (and I'm almost 30!)
My dog, who I couldn't imagine life with out
My job, in this day I am super lucky to have a job!

Sara Strand said...

- Pepsi
- Pizza Rolls
- my Manchester Orchestra cd. :)

These 3 things are making me happy about today.

Rebel Mel said...

1. My hubby
2. My kitty
3. The Internet

Katie said...

1. My fiance
2. The Church
3. My family

Anonymous said...

I would have entered if I hadn't been doing NaNo.