Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I hadn't planned on posting on Wednesdays during my crazy November full of writing, but during my breaks from writing. (Which have been many...) I've been doodling like a mad woman. I call it doodling, because that's what it is to me. It is doodling in a controlled, artistic format. And this doodle is called a Zentangle. 

Oh my goodness. I first discovered these a about a year and a half ago and fell in love. 

This was my first ever Zentangle. Like I said. It is just glorified doodling!

This one has things from some of my favorite books.

I love Zentangling because it doesn't have to be perfect. I messed up so many times in this one, but it still looks great!

I like to put my Zentangles in a circle shape. It gives me a set area to work with when I'm drawing. And I like the circles because I like to hang them up in my room. Like this:

Cute huh?

But you don't need to stick to the basic circle if you aren't into that. You can Zentangle however you want.

Here is one that I did for the Fourth of July!

And this started out as a complete scratch paper and turned into one of my favorites. I think she looks like a fortune teller!

If you aren't sure you can handle something this complex to start with, I recommend just drawing random lines and filling each in with a different doodle.

This one is one of my favorites. All I did was trace the outline of a CD a few times and filled in all of the blank spots. So simple, and yet so awesome!

And this one was done the same way. I just traced four circles. Think Zen Diagram Zentangle. Hehehe.

And for this one I just filled an entire piece of paper with circles and squares of different shapes and sizes.

Zentangling is so easy. Even if you don't feel like you have an artistic bone in your body, I guarantee you can do this. It just takes some patience and practice.

To start, I just outline a random design on a piece of card stock paper. I use a fine point Sharpie because it makes everything stand out so much better than pencil or pen! When you start, it will look something like this. A little cheesy? Don't worry, once it's finished, it will look awesome!

Every so often, I'll get in a mood to Zentangle and pop one out like a warm and yummy toaster pastry. And the past few days, I've been in a Zentangling mood! A few things have been getting me down, and losing myself in the small intricate doodles really helps me.

This one was signifying how I was feeling. The heart is black and hard to read until you get a closer look. Then you can see the ache that is there.

And while I was searching the internet for fun new doodles to use in my Zentangle, I saw a lot of people who incorporated faces into their designs. So I tried it. I LOVE how it turned out!

I am very thrilled with this one. It's my favorite of all time.

You should all try Zentangling! It's SO much fun! I would love to see any that you come up with!

12 Thoughts:

Andnowlights said...

These are gorgeous! Have you thought about putting together an etsy store? I bet if you framed these and/or photographed them really well they would sell! They're awesome!

the Tsaritsa said...

How fun! I love doodling, but I had never heard of a zentangle until now. Your artwork is really beautiful! I think I may try one this afternoon :)

Melanie's Randomness said...

WOW!! I doodle all the time but I've never really done a Zentangle. I love this idea!! I think I'm going to try to do one later! It looks so cute on the walls! I love the last one! =)

DB said...

You did a really good job! We did this last year in art, but we did it on a big rectangle. I liked mine, but yours are a lot better than mine was! Those are really cool. I love the person one.

Myke Weber said...

I think they're awesome. You really could sell them.

Leigh said...

These are awesome! I'm going to have to try one of these...

Sarah Ashmore said...

Wow. My idea of doodling is filling in the inside of O's and P's. These are amazing!

Rachel said...

I love these! I've never tried zentangles before but it looks pretty fun. Sometimes when I'm at my desk I'll doodle a whole sheet of paper like this.

Anonymous said...

amazing!! very gorgeous, you're very talented :)
drey jewelry.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I also do it, with a oriental theme tho..
very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this... it seems too complex for me. :-P

El Grande said...

I gotta say, these are pretty cool