Friday, November 5, 2010

Guest Blogger: Rasha

The lovely Rasha from "and that's what she said" was kind enough to do our first Guest Blogger Friday during the month of November! She has such an adorable, fun blog. She's so great at coming up with ways to involve her readers in her blog, which I LOVE. I've literally loved it since the moment I found it! Be sure to go and check out her blog! It's adorable times a million!

Hello lovely readers of Simply Kate. I am Rasha from And This is What She Said. My blog is mostly about my daily life and musing, feel free to stop and check it out, I would love to have you!

So when Kate asked me to do a blog post, I quickly jumped on the idea, I love her cute blog and thought it would be fun, so here I am.

I don't know about you, but with it being already November 5th I am in the Thanksgiving spirit! I'm beyond ready to gobble down delicious food till I have to unbutton my pants cause they no longer fit... but we all know that Thanksgiving is more than just the opportunity to eat a bunch of delectable food. It's about being thankful for thing we have in our life. I am so thankful for so many things in my life and the list is very long... but for the sake of time, I will list 2 very important ones.

1. Family and Friends. We all say we would be no where without them, and it's honestly true. They give us so much love and support. It's amazing when you think about it.

2. For everything I have. Sometimes, my pride and my yearning gets the best of me, and I sometimes think to myself that I don't have all that I want... which is true I don't have all that I want. Yet, I have all that I need...and that my friends, is what matters. If you have shelter, warm clothes and food to fill your stomach you have more than most, so be thankful for those... Remember to count them as a blessing, too often we forget they truly are.

What are some of the things you are thankful for?

3 Thoughts:

Denise said...

I don't know why, but I can't get over how adorable those box people are... It's great to think about things we have that are blessings, I personally know I can get caught up in dwelling on what I don't have, so thanks for the reminder to keep it positive and see the good.

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Thanks for letting me do a guest post!

Anonymous said...

I agree, those box people are cute!