Monday, November 1, 2010

October and a Question

  • 8th ~ I went to a really lame, but equally awesome church dance. There was no one there and that's what made it fun!
  • 10th ~ I gave the lesson in Relief Society. There was a beautiful fireside that night. I had a lot of fun. Then Jessica and I went stargazing. It was cold and we laughed a lot. Good times, good times.
  • 11th ~ Happy Birthday Jeff! We had his family party. He got loaded down with Star Wars gifts.
  • 14th ~ Happy Birthday Megan!  Another family party. This one ended a bit quicker because we got a call that my grandma wasn't doing well. I sat up with her with a few family members all night.
  • 15th ~ My wonderful grandmother passed away. I miss you grandma!
  • 17th ~ Happy birthday Kevin! I went to my friend Wes's mission homecoming. Later that night was my grandma's viewing. She looked so beautiful and peaceful.
  • 18th ~ The funeral was beautiful and touching. 
  • 20th ~ I lost my job. 
  • 30th ~ Trick or treating with my niece and nephew in my awesome ladybug tutu!
  • 31st ~ Happy Halloween! 
Happiest moment: Singing to my grandma and watching her go. It was such a peaceful, spiritual experience.

Saddest moment: Any time I realize that it's going to be a VERY long time before I see her again.

Favorite Food: I've LOVED chili this month. It's just so tasty. Mmm! Add some buttered bread and you've got heaven in a bowl!

Overall Impression: It's been a hard month. There have been a lot of blessings, but it's been a sad one. I'm excited for November to start, just lose myself in writing. It's going to be amazing!

Just to remind you all, things in November will be a little different around Simply Kate. Because I'll be so busy writing my novel, I won't be able to post in the way we're all used to. I've come up with a little bit of a schedule for the month to make it easier for me to keep up with my blogging without pulling me away from my novel.

Mondays will be all about the questions you have for me.
Tuesdays are about my past. Funny stories and videos of me as a kid.
Thursdays will be all about giveaways! Be sure to check in and enter!
Fridays will be done by Guest Bloggers! I have some wonderful bloggers lined up! Exciting!
Sundays are dedicated to my progress in NaNoWriMo! I'll post my word count and maybe an excerpt from my writing that week!

I'm so excited to start!

And now for my first question!

A lot of you have been asking me what my book is about, so here is a short synopsis. 

An obsession with tales of a castle deep within the forbidden region of the Hettana Forest presents Maerra with a strange new ability. Terrified of what this new gift might do, her father sends her away, but to no avail. In exile she cultivates her new gift: flashes of light that lead her to the people in her thoughts.

But when war strikes, Maerra is called home only to find the city filled with the enemy. Used by the opposing forces against her own people, Maerra soon realizes how dangerous and deadly her ability is. It is no longer a gift, but a curse. She must fight to save the lives of the people she loves, while making sure that she is not swept away by the power of the flashes.

Do you have a question for me? Please ask it!

1 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

I want to read this novel. *nod*