Thursday, November 11, 2010

Giveaway Thursday

It's Thursday again! Which means that you get another chance to enter this fabulous giveaway!

This prize includes:

A ribbon set. I LOVE ribbon.
A deck of cards. Good for so many games!
A pair of long, REALLY fuzzy socks. 
Black and white bangles.
An adorable black notebook. I always have a notebook with me. I'm constantly jotting things down. This one is adorable and has cute green and white polka dots inside!
A pocket sudoku book. Sudoku is the bomb.
A super long beaded necklace.
And my favorite silver nail polish. It looks so cute on toes!

All you have to do to enter this week is comment on this post telling me the thing in this prize you would like to win MOST!

Also, tell me if you are a follower of my blog! If you are, you get an extra entry!

If you already entered last Thursday, GOOD NEWS! You can enter again! (Those of you who didn't enter last Thursday, please do so!)

I will pick and announce the winner on Thanksgiving! (November 25th.) There will be one more chance to enter next Thursday! Be sure to come and check it out!

Good luck!

13 Thoughts:

Little Debi said...

The thing I want the most? Hmm that's hard because I love it all! I REALLY love the notebook but I've been wanting silver nail polish for a long time, I used my friend's once and loooved it so I think I want that the most. :]

Little Debi said...

Oh! and yes I'm a follower. :]

Kim @citygirlinak said...

happy Thursday! I love everything you are giving away, but I think I love the jewelry the most. you can never have too much jewelry. and seeing as there's no place here to buy stuff like that, the thought of winning makes me super excited. also, the socks are awesome! I love fuzzy socks and they are so snuggly warm. okay I'll stop rambling now.

Grace said...

Um... do i really have to choose one? 'Cause I like and want it all.
But I guess I really really love the necklace and notebook. :) Oh and the nail polish too. I'm always wearing polish.

Grace said...

I'm a follower too! :)

L!$@ said...

I'd definitely have to say my pick from the bunch is the ribbons. I use them for anything I can :D They add a beautiful touch.

I'm also a follower of your blog :D

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I'm a follower!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

My fave would be the sudoku book. Love it!

shellasaurusrex said...

the sudoku book so maybe i can learn how to play!

shellasaurusrex at gmail

Rebel Mel said...

I'd want the ribbon!

Katie said...

Hm, I am a follower for sure, and the thing I want most? Everything is so cute! I think probably the necklace!

Cecilly said...

Katie, I follow you avidly! The glorious ribbon set has mine eye. ;)

Anonymous said...

I follow you in fits and spurts, but was NaNoing this month.