Friday, November 12, 2010

Guest Blogger: Lauren

The wonderful and always fabulous Lauren from Busy Bee Lauren was sweet enough to do our second Guest Blogger Friday during the month of November! I discovered her lovely blog nearly a year ago and I've been in love ever since. She takes the cutest pictures, has the most adorable personality, and always has such fun posts to read! Everyone needs to go and give her some blog lovin'! She's just that amazing!

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren, and I blog over here. Since the awesomespice holiday of Thanksgiving is this month, I will be sharing with you the things that I am most thankful for this year.

1. Books. I love books oh so so so much. And I have read someone AMAZING books this year. I hope I am as lucky with my book findings next year!

2. Sprinkles Cupcakes. Dude. The rumors are absolutely true...Sprinkles has the VERY best cupcakes in the world. I feel fortunate to have a Sprinkles 20 minutes from my home, and I feel even more fortunate that we go there for all special occasions. I dream of their red velvet and coconut cuppycakes!

3. Beautiful Arizona Skies. It might be wickedly hot here, but we have some of the most glorious sunsets and cloud formations. I feel so grateful for this earth Heavenly Father has given us!

4. Blog friends I got to meet. This year I got to meet a lot of friends that started out as readers of my blog, and then turned to real life friends. One of my closest friends, Kate, even flew down from Colorado to stay with me. So amazing! I'm grateful for each of them :) People wonder if online friends are as cherished as real life friends...the answer is YES!

5. Our pets. For my birthday, Ted bought me my very own cockatiel baby bird, Gizmo. I love him so much! And then in July, we bought a baby rabbit, Leo. They add so much happiness to our lives! 

6. My photography. My love of photography has grown so much this year. I love my collection of polaroids, and my "toy" cameras...and that I have been able to develop my digital photography skills. It has been a blessing to document each day of our lives.

7. My family. I can't tell you about how much joy my family brings me in my life. They are my best friends, and the greatest people I know. I feel fortunate to live near them and get to spend so much time with them.

8. My Ted. My husband Ted has been a part of my life for over 7 years now, and has been my greatest blessing. He makes me want to be a better person, and makes me smile every day. He is who I am most thankful for.

Thank you for letting me share with you my thankful list!
What are YOU thankful for?

(Don't forget to enter my giveaway here and here!)

6 Thoughts:

cailen ascher said...

i am thankful for my handsome fiance, family & friends, and good times spent with loved ones.

going to check out busy bee's blog now : )

Grecia said...

I love Busy Bee Lauren! There's not one day I go without reading her blog. :)

I'm thankful that I got into Nursing School at the school I wanted.
I'm thankful for the roof over my head, for the wonderful boyfriend I have, because I have a job and great family and friends.
I am thankful for many many things!

L!$@ said...

Busy Bee Lauren is awesome! Great guest post. Loving it :D

Anonymous said...

that is an awesome list of thankfulness! i am thankful for so many different things, but most of all the health of myself and those i love.

and of course my little nerd JJ who keeps me smiling everyday.

Cole Garrett said...

I'm thankful for an awesome wife and a steady career!

BTW, Sprinkles really IS pretty darn good. My friend and I stopped by one in Houston, TX when we were there.

Anonymous said...

Nice guest blog! :-)