Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Blogger: Vic

The always sweet and adorable Vic from Freckles and Fudge was wonderful enough to do our third Guest Blogger Friday during the month of November! I first discovered her blog when she asked me to do a guest post for her! I was so flattered! I thought that I would return the favor. She has such an awesome blog filled with such fun content and stories! Please go and visit her blog and give her some internet hugs!

Hey fab faces. I was so thrilled when Kate guest blogged over on Freckles and Fudge for me. I thought the best way to thank her would be by posting over here today. As busy as I am, I can whip up a pretty rad post in a matter of minutes. I'm a mother to some gorgeous creatures and I whiz around like a bat outta hell sometimes. Okay. Most the times. I multitask. Right now, I'm writing this post, re-vising The Cute Kid Contest, adding new entrants to the voting page, responding to a thousand emails, eating a protein bar {it's pretty darn good} {it's called Clif} if you wanna try and shipping out lingerie from my ebay shop. Yes. I sell on ebay. I have for over 8 years and it's done us pretty good at times. I'm a Gemini. Kinda snotty at times but overall, I think I'm a great friend, lover, fighter and chit chatter. 

I love photography. It's something I take pride in. Everyday. I carry my camera around like it's a piece of my clothing. We've been blessed to live in such amazing places. We've experienced a whole lotta good adventures and I'm confident we will more someday. I started Freckles and Fudge a year ago since both girls were in school full time. I enjoy writing and finding amazing people to share my life with. Blogging has taught me many different things. It's made me view my life differently and be more open to sharing my true feelings. I've never been one to care about what others see me as but I am the type of person who needs to be loved by many, hated by few. I have grown close to some bloggers. That's the beauty of networking. Some come into your life, leave quickly, others come in, stay awhile and all of that is okay. We grow and learn something new each day. 

I tend to taunt the gators behind our condo. I like adventure and being silly.

I usually say nothing has ever embarrassed me but I have a faithful reader that reminded me of the time I took naked pictures of myself. No. You won't be seeing any here. I took them because I was trying to lose weight. I don't have a scale so i figured  i could see how much i was losing by snapping  a few shots with my phone cam.  I immediately deleted them off but when I went to send my mother in law a photo of Hannah and her new glasses, she expressed that it wasn't Hannah. I guess she was embarrassed too because she never said much, probably thinking I sent on purpose but my mother said something to me. She told me I had really big boobs, which I don't but you know how a camera phone can make everything look better than it really appears to be. In either case, I had Bryan try to figure out how these pics got sent and somehow they got saved to the card which really never deleted them like I thought. It must have been overloaded with pics and just sent them by mistake. How awful. Not because I'm ugly but because you just don't want anyone seeing your naked body. Let alone your mother in law. WOW.

We love to bake. It's been a blessing to have my kids. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for them. They light up my day, they are my purpose. Nothing else matters. We live far from family, so it's a bit difficult to share our holidays with them. We usually just have the four of us. It's peaceful yet sad. But I couldn't be more grateful for the air we breathe, the sun that shines on us and the precious moments we have with one another. Each day is a gift. Embrace.

(Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Here and here and here!)

5 Thoughts:

the Tsaritsa said...

Oh lord, that really is embarrassing! I can't imagine what would happen if I accidentally sent my boyfriend's mom naked pictures. She would probably try to kill me.

Blogs said...

Your sooooooo awesome I love ya:) have a nice weekend!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Hahaha wow. That's an awesome story.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Those cookies look first-rate.

Russ (Dr. Kingpin);)

Anonymous said...

...and that is why I don't take naked photos of me.